About Me...

Grow Your Income. Grow Your Impact.

Brands I Worked With Include:


Luca Senatore is CEO at Genie Goals, a Google Award Winning, top 3% agency. He’s a growth entrepreneur, author, speaker and creator of the BUILD. GROW. REPEAT programme, with which he’s helped businesses build solid ethical businesses internationally. Luca spoke at Google in London, Milan, and Berlin in front of some of the best agencies in the world. He’s also a family man and a father of three with a strong passion for helping small businesses and freelancers grow their income so they can grow their impact to the world. 

Luca comes from very humble beginnings, grew up poor, in a dysfunctional family and went to work at the age of 13 to help his single mother make ends meet. He moved to the UK at the age of 25 with only £65 in his pocket, £190 to pay for the first two weeks’ rent and zero language skills. 

Today he’s built 8 businesses including a top 3% agency, wrote THE AGENCY: BUILD GROW REPEAT, a highly-rated book in his second language and helps others do the same. 

He does what he does because he believes that whilst money doesn’t change people, it allows people to be more of what they are and a lack of it forces people to be self-centred and makes it harder (or impossible) for them to give, to share their gift and make a positive impact on the world. ⁣By achieving abundance in the financial area, Luca has been able to focus more on becoming a good father, a good husband and a generous contributor to important causes, such as CAMFED, a pan-African movement revolutionising how girls’ education is delivered and Well Aware World, a nonprofit organization that provides innovative and sustainable solutions to water scarcity and contamination in East Africa. 

Luca is on a mission to help people grow their income so they can also grow their impact on the world. Hence why he started, with help from his mentor in articulating this, the ‘Grow Your Income. Grow Your Impact.’ movement. 

In The Media