Keep rubbing the lamp
Keep rubbing the lamp On a scale of one to ten, where ten is the growth potential that you want to achieve a couple of
Keep rubbing the lamp On a scale of one to ten, where ten is the growth potential that you want to achieve a couple of
I give talks regularly, about marketing, business growth, culture and more. The topic of motivation is always requested and when we address it, people lean
This is the content I’ve sent to my friends subscribed to my newsletter approximately a week ago; now available on the blog. If you want
A few years ago I had a meeting with one of our large customers to tell them that we should move from a performance-only charging
This is the true story of how, or rather why, Lamborghini was born. It underlines how having a powerful WHY is vital. A why that
This article was written by yours truly for B2B Marketing. Now on here for my blog readers too. When, whilst talking with clients or peers,
In the process of writing my book THE AGENCY, I interviewed several brands and discussed what they want from, like and dislike about agencies. Performance aside,
On the 3rd June, I had the honour to speak at the #GrowthConferenceEurope alongside some truly remarkable #speakers. The conference was organised by the insanely
This is a chapter from my book, THE AGENCY. You can download three chapters FREE here. Take a moment to think about the things that you would
This is a small section from my book THE AGENCY: BUILD – GROW – REPEAT. You can get three whole chapters free of charge HERE.
© Copyrights 2024. Luca Senatore.